Two people doing yoga in the courtyard near the Kresge-Ford Building

Free immediate access to teletherapy, telehealth, and crisis support.

Private, secure, and confidential support for those experience a mental health crisis. Help is available 24/7/365.

Please call 833.646.1526, or register today at

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.

Wellness + Counseling

The Wellness + Counseling office is dedicated to promoting the well-being of the whole student and the whole campus through the use of innovative, creative, accessible and effective services and initiatives. The Wellness + Counseling office offers personal counseling, group support, health services, workshops and various student-oriented activities aimed at building and fostering community, inclusion and the overall well-being of students.

There is no fee for health or counseling services conducted on campus and insurance is not required. Utilization of Uwill is also free of charge and available to all currently enrolled CCS students. There may be additional fees for any services accessed off-campus.

Clinical Counseling Services

Our clinical team assists students in meeting their emotional, psychological, and mental health needs for a variety of presenting issues. Our services contribute to a campus environment that facilitates the healthy growth and development of students.

Students are encouraged to schedule an initial intake appointment to determine the best approach for their presenting issues/concerns. Most students seeking services at the Wellness + Counseling office will qualify for services, however, some students have needs that will be more appropriately addressed with off campus providers. Our goal is to identify the best care for our students.

In addition to the considerations below, we encourage students to have candid conversations with their families/support systems about expected or desired support/treatment needs prior to school attendance. If a student’s existing provider is in Michigan they may be able to continue treatment services via Telehealth. Students are encouraged to speak with current providers to see if this is a possibility so that effective, current, treatment relationships do not have to be interrupted with the transition to college.

We offer solution focused brief therapy (8 session allowance per semester per student) for issues including:

  • Mild to moderate levels of depression & anxiety
  • Adjustment to college life, homesickness
  • Interpersonal concerns (family, friends, intimate partners, roommates)
  • Problem-solving or decision-making
  • Grief and loss
  • Identity development related to various dimensions of self
  • Academic performance or motivation
  • Personal growth and development, identification of coping style
  • Mild to moderate substance use concerns

Our licensed mental health clinicians will help a student determine if their needs can or cannot be met through Wellness + Counseling (W+C). The different factors influencing the decision can be complex. Most often, external referrals are based upon the students’ need for longer term, specialized or more intensive treatment. If a referral appears to be the best way for the student to receive the treatment needed, the W+C staff will do their best to connect the student to a suitable provider.

Factors may include:

  • Students whose schedules do not fit with W+C’s hours of operation
  • Students who demonstrate a serious lack of motivation or engagement in treatment, as evidenced by poor attendance to appointments or lack of follow through on recommendations
  • Students who are already receiving counseling services from another provider
  • Students in need of ongoing or intensive support to treat chronic, serious mental health conditions
  • Students with issues that may require a student to be seen more than 1x/week
  • Students experiencing significant levels of distress, who need immediate inpatient or attentive outpatient care and/or are suffering a severe disruption in their ability to function
  • Students for whom a short term treatment model would be detrimental or inappropriate to diagnosis or clinical issues
  • Students with a history of numerous suicide attempts, severe self injury or multiple psychiatric hospitalizations
  • Students with significant or chronic disordered eating symptoms which require intensive outpatient or residential treatment
  • Students with significant or chronic substance abuse which requires intensive outpatient treatment, residential treatment, detox or hospitalization
  • Students with active psychotic symptoms at risk for progressive deterioration of functioning and in need of intensive treatment for stabilization
  • Students whose needs fall outside the clinical expertise of W+C staff

We are unable to provide formal diagnosis for ADHD or Autism due to the extensive assessment and testing that is required. We encourage you to work with your primary care provider, insurance, or psychiatric provider for assessment and diagnosis.

We are happy to help you with support, coping skills and resources. You should also utilize our Disability Accommodations. 

Our clinical therapists do not prescribe or manage medications. However, for mild to moderate depression and anxiety cases, we may make recommendations based on the needs of the student and arrange a treatment plan in partnership with our established medical referrals.

All clinical service records are kept confidential, and are separate from academic and judicial records at the college.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, you are welcome to discuss your situation with our counselors in a confidential manner. The clinical counselors and nurse practitioners are not Title IX mandated reporters, however, you may discuss reporting options with them.

Students can meet with a counselor for a brief solution focused session (20 min or less) or just to see what counseling is about. No appointment needed, just walk into our 2nd floor office on Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. during the school year. Telehealth appointments can be accommodated as well during these hours. While this service may be used during a wait for a formal appointment, this should not be utilized by students already seeing a clinician on a regular basis.

All students are eligible for free online counseling and crisis support with Uwill (

  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone or chat
  • Multilingual support available: English, Spanish, French, Mandarin & Cantonese (Simplified Chinese chat)

Your information is private and confidential so no one – including your family, friends, or professors – will ever know you used the program unless you choose to tell them.

Access support anytime, anywhere by visiting Uwill.

24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – call or text 988
24 hour Text Support: Text HELLO to 741-741
Wayne County 24 hour crisis line: 313-224-7000
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860

Wellness Services

Medical Care

Students have access to free healthcare appointments thru Uwill/Umed. Umed is staffed by Board Certified Physicians. This platform can provide basic medical care for minor illness and injuries, prescribe medications as necessary, and refer for more specialized care when needed.

Health Insurance

A health insurance policy is available to all enrolled students through Wellfleet Student. Their Cigna PPO plan covers preventative health visits and major medical needs as required by the Affordable Care Act. Added benefits include a 24/7 Nurse line for medical questions and travel assistance.

International students are automatically enrolled in this policy for the academic year. For domestic students, enrollment opens one month before each semester and payment is handled with the insurance agency. More information can be found at

For special enrollment periods, dependent coverage, and/or alternative coverage options, please consult which connects to eligible Marketplace or Medicaid plans.

Health Resources

It can be hard to maintain your wellness when your basic needs aren’t met. Our outreach manager assists students with healthcare navigation, like finding a doctor and understanding insurance coverage. Free menstrual products, condoms, and a donation-based food pantry are located in the Hub on the first floor of the Yamasaki.

Food donations are accepted year-round, please email us for more info at

Wellness Activities

Our team hosts various activities to further personal development, build community, and provide creative solutions to stress management. Activities include weekly yoga classes, therapy dogs, topic specific workshops, and nature walks. The Wellness Peer Educators, a student work study program, support Wellness initiatives by implementing fun and inclusive programs and creating educational materials for students, by students.

Wellness Center

Yamasaki – 2nd floor
M-F 8:30am-4:30pm

Val Weiss, LMSW
Director of Wellness + Counseling and Clinical Therapist

Melanie Martin, LMSW
Associate Director of Wellness + Counseling and Clinical Therapist

Alissa Lusky, MA., LLP
Clinical Therapist

Emily VanWormer, MS, CHES
Health Outreach Manager